2025-03-16 02:32:03
导读 你是否听说过“土豆公主”?今天就来教大家制作这道既简单又美味的“天蚕土豆”!😋🍴首先准备好新鲜的土豆,削皮后切成条状或块状,这样更...
你是否听说过“土豆公主”?今天就来教大家制作这道既简单又美味的“天蚕土豆”!😋🍴首先准备好新鲜的土豆,削皮后切成条状或块状,这样更方便入味哦!💚 Peel the potatoes and cut them into strips or chunks for better taste.
接着,将切好的土豆放入热油中炸至金黄酥脆,外皮微微起泡的时候捞出,撒上一层薄盐,瞬间香气四溢!🔥 Extract the potato strips from hot oil until golden brown and crispy, sprinkle with a little salt, and you'll smell its fragrance immediately!
最后,加入天蚕幼虫(提前清洗干净),与土豆一起翻炒,让两者完美融合。这道菜不仅色香味俱全,还富含营养,特别适合家庭聚餐时分享给大家!🍳 Combine the fried potatoes with the cleaned蚕 pupae and stir-fry together, making this dish colorful, fragrant and nutritious. It's perfect to share with your family during dinner! 🍽️
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