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2024-05-26 14:00:44
导读 大家好,【#初二英语作文范文80词#】具体是什么情况,一起往下看看。1、题目:我的周末计划My weekend plan is to spend it doing ...


1、题目:我的周末计划 My weekend plan is to spend it doing some fun activities. On Saturday morning, I will go for a run in the park and then have a nice lunch with my family. After that, I will watch a movie with my friends and then go to bed early. On Sunday, I will do my homework first and then go for a bike ride in the morning and go swimming in the afternoon. Finally, I will have dinner with my family and then watch some TV before going to bed. 范文: 题目:我最喜欢的动物 My favorite animal is a dog. They are very loyal and friendly animals that make great companions. I like how they can sense when someone is feeling down and will come and lay next to them to comfort them. They also make greatwatchdogs as they are very protective of their owners. I hope to have a dog someday as it would be a great addition to my family. 以上两篇作文都是初二英语作文。



